We’re visiting Jane’s family north of Poughkeepsie and went today to an amazing museum at Vassar College. Amazing because the museum had Picasso, Maxfield Parrish, Miro, Georga O’Keeffe, Giocometti, Matisse, Calder and, donated in honor of our host Josie Holford, an Alice Neel print! [right].
There were also sculptures from Egypt, China, artists of the Hudson and.. Actually as I write this I realize that I am doing the collection a disservice by offering such a limited review.. See the link, or just click on some of my favorites below..
Click to enlarge, especially Camels at the Watering Place 1890
No visit to the area would seem remotely complete without a stop at Quatro Farm Store.. a full service butcher with gourmet goddies, an impressive collection of artisanal beers and a fully loaded gun/sports shoppe complete with stuffed animals on every wall. What?? But wait, what about Lugers and Lagers?? Sure! Only about 20′ from the shotguns Quatros also has six or eight beer taps mounted on the wall over by the butcher’s counter? You can buy your beer, mosey over and pick up a new semi-automatic then head out to the parking lot and drive off into the sunset with a pork shoulder and some imported Italian salt to boot…

Guess you don’t see much hunting action in Hawaii, eh..?! Rural NY can feel pretty retro…