While visiting Vienna we stumbled across Karlskirch and we hitched a ride to the top of the scaffolding about 8 years ago and met the restoration crew working on the frescos. They are done with most of those now. The acoustics were amazing. While at the top of the scaffolding someone told me I could touch it so as I reached out to do so a choir of angels, or so it seemed, sprang into voice at the beginning of a rehearsal going on down below… I got goosebumps…
Tonight we returned to the church for the first time since and heard a performance of Mozart’s Requiem… The acoustics were as I remembered quite amazing and the restored part of the church is ever more resplendent than I remembered. The marbles are “whiter than white” and the frescoes were alive with brilliant colors. The central dome is still in process and may be for years to come, but I am sure it will yield fantastic results. These pictures are not so great, it was dark and, well… I came for the music. One observation that came quickly and surprised us both was, in hindsight, obvious… It is a cold night in Vienna, hovering somewhere around -1C. Everyone approaching the church was well dressed and furs and fine coats were no less prevalent than leather coats and high boots… What we didn’t consider until actually taking our seats was that it wasn’t going to get any warmer than this! They don’t have central heating in these places, you sit down with all your wollies on and get comfortable…
That was fun, last year 3rd row center for Bon Jovi, this year second row center for Mozart, sadly he didn’t wink at Jane like BJ did….
Tomorrow night, Aida at the venerable StaatsOpera House!